R&D Centre
Our R&D&I and Business Development Departments maintain a permanent technological watch to offer our customers the latest trends in all types of applications in the field of Processed Cereals. Our knowledge of ingredients, their combination and application ensures the formulation of innovative products.
We carry out product and process development projects, optimising them, searching for innovative cereal varieties for new applications, applications in industrial lines… through training sessions and technical exchange with our customers, always giving priority to the use of natural, local, sustainable and environmentally responsible ingredients.
The quality and safety of our flours is guaranteed by impeccable work, under the continuous supervision of a constantly trained R&D team.
Certified flours to guarantee the optimal conditions of our flours.
A product you can trust.
Our installations
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- Información Adicional: Puede consultar la información detallada en la Política de Privacidad.